
Dr. Regan Salamander

Dr. Salamander is dedicated to developing men and women of character through the study and practice of traditional Okinawan karate. Dr. Salamander holds a 5th degree black belt in Okinawan Shorin-ryu Seibukan Karate and a 3rd degree black belt in Korean Chung Do Kwan Tae Kwon Do. He has trained in and taught martial arts since 1974. From 2001 to 2005 he trained on the island of Okinawa at the International Seibukan Headquarters Dojo (training academy). Dr. Salamander is a direct student of Hanshi 10th Dan Zenpo Shimabukuro and Sabu Nim Grand Master Yong Taek Chung, and holds all rank promotions through them.

Dr. Salamander retired as a United States Air Force Colonel after serving over 26 years on active duty. He is also a retired, board-certified prosthodontist. He holds a Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree, a Master of Science in Prosthodontics degree, and is a life member and Fellow of The American College of Prosthodontists.

Dr. Salamander’s other interests include yoga, baking and cooking, skiing, hiking, art history, and reading.

Dr. Salamander lives in Colorado Springs, has been married to the same beautiful girl he met in 1975, and has three fabulous children, one granddaughter, and one black lab “grand-dogter”.

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